Sunday, July 2, 2023

Erasing a Frito Salesman

 Today we have a real slice of American advertising history! Actually, it appeared in this blog once before, but other than a passing mention, I ignored it. Therefore, I am attempting to cure this oversight!

First, as I am wont to do, I'll give a little history. Although The Frito Kid at Disneyland was one of Fritos' earliest mascots, he certainly wasn't the last. In 1967, the company came up with this guy:

Yup, The Frito Bandito! Drawn by Tex Avery and voiced by Mel Blanc, the Bandito burst upon the snack scene stealing as many Fritos as he could get his hands on! You may remember his extremely catchy theme song. "Ay yi yi yi! I am the Frito Bandito!"

Frito-Lay had a huge hit on their hands. They had commercials, posters, and even Frito Bandito erasers. Unfortunately, they didn't count on the pushback.

You see, some in the hispanic community didn't like the way they were being portrayed. Looking back now, you can see their point, but in the 60s people didn't think quite the same way as we do now. Actually a survey done in Texas and California in 1969 apparently showed that 85% of hispanics actually liked the character. Still, times were a-changing.

Anyway, by 1971 The Bandito was done. (A  year before he had already been replaced with the Muncha Bunch group of outlaw cowboys in California, Oregon, and Washington.)  The company needed a new mascot- and fast!

Enter W.C. Fritos! Based on W.C. Fields he didn't exactly have the same panache as The Bandito, but he didn't have the problems either. Here he is!

And as you can see by this bag of Fritos, the price has really gone up! AND they had W.C. Fritos erasers too! Yay!!!

Well, I happen to still have one! Here he is!

He's still pretty flexible. I'm fairly sure you could still use him as an eraser, but of course I won't. He now rides in my Tonka taxi, which is where you may have seen him before in this blog...

So there you have it! Although as I type this I realize that The Bandito might be a better fit for the Taxi (a nod to Herb Alpert there).

Until next time, keep searching for treasure!


  1. I have a much stronger memory of the Frito Bandito and the song he would sing, than I do W.C. Fritos! But I do remember him! I wonder if they had to pay anything to the estate of W.C. Fields?

    I have a little rubber Underdog eraser from my childhood, but I don't think he is flexible anymore. He came inside a box of cereal, but now I don't remember which cereal!

    - TokyoMagic!

    1. Yeah, the Bandito was the better of the mascots, I think. What the heck did W.C. Fields have to do with Fritos anyway?
      They might have had to pay sonething, but figured it was worth it to avoid the Bandito hassles!

  2. I remember the Frito Bandito, and the commercials. He was a huge hit when I was a kid, and I think he was a cute character - not meant to upset anybody. EVERYONE loves Fritos!

    Thank you, Stu!

    1. I agree! W.C. just didn't work as well.


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