Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Great Train Quiz!!!

 Recently (a month and a half ago, or so) I picked up three train engines at an estate sale near me. Now, I don't actually know a lot about model electric trains, even though I have a lot of equipment and hope to build a new layout one day. Still, the price on these was good (five dollars for the N Scale and 10 dollars for the HO in the package) so I figured I couldn't lose. Here are the trains!

First we have an N scale 4-4-0 "Jupiter" from Bachmann. 

I like this little engine and tender, even though it's a little earlier than what I normally buy. This particular train has been discontinued.

Next, we have an N scale 0-6-0 switcher from Lifelike. This is a very old piece, from around 1970.

This is a nice looking little engine and I like the six drive wheel arrangement.

Lastly, we have an HO 2-6-0 from Model Power.

This is the scale that I usually collect. And again, I like the wheel arrangement on this one, not to mention the coal in the tender.

So, here comes the "Quiz" part. I bought these not knowing anything about them. I did a little research when I got home, though, and found that values go from almost nothing to almost a hundred bucks!

Your job is to rank the three engines from lowest to highest value. Take your time, I'll wait.

Oh, while you're working on that, Sue wanted to see my wife's haul from the last sale. Here ya go!

Glass aplenty! She really likes the blue.

Ok, are we ready to find out the answer? Here we go!

The values of the trains from lowest to highest :

Lowest- Lifelike N scale 0-6-0 switcher! It's a very poor running piece, and was even fresh out of the factory. Prices have been suggested from 5 bucks to 20 bucks, tops.

Mid range- Model Power HO 2-6-0! Although Model Power isn't a top of the line brand, this is a solid engine and sells for around 50 bucks. 

Highest- Bachmann N scale 4-4-0 Jupiter! This pretty little engine averages around 75 to 85 bucks! I did ok on this one!

So there you go! How did you do? Even if you didn't get them right, you can always do what I did and buy them all!

Until next time, keep searching for treasure!


  1. Wow, seeing the N scale train next to the little HO train shows just how small the N scale trains were!

    Ranking: (Totally guessing here), I would say the HO engine is the lowest value, just because HO scale is so common.
    In the middle: I'm guessing the Bachmann "Jupiter".
    And highest value: The switcher, because of its age and because it's not a regular people-and-freight hauling engine. So I'm guessing it's quite rare.

    I bet Mrs. Stu's haul cost a lot more than your haul. ;-)

    Oh, yer giving us the answers to the quiz?...
    Geez, I flunked the test! Not a single one right. Hope it doesn't go on my permanent record!

    Thanks, Stu.

    1. Oops! Accidently hit that "post" button!
      Anyway, your reasoning is good, and I might have even gone that way myself. I would have ranked the Jupiter higher just because I like it, though.
      Yep, Mrs. Stu's stuff cost more, but who's counting? Oh yeah, me.
      Naw, your permanent record is clear. Just a practice test!

  2. Yea! Equal time for Mrs. Stu! Boy, she brought home a fun haul. But I truly understand, as I love glass stuff, too. Please thank Mrs. Stu for sharing, and tell her I'm looking forward to seeing more.

    If JB flunked your train test, then I don't have a chance. And I won't embarrass myself by trying to guess. But I do know that collecting anything that makes you happy, no matter the monetary value, is what matters.

    Thanks, Stu.

    1. Yeah, I don't know what it is about women and glassware. I'll stop there before I get in trouble...somehow... ;-)
      And that is true about collecting. I always say don't do it for the money, do it for the love of the stuff! If you love it, it's worth it!

  3. I did terrible on the quiz!

    1. That's ok! Your essays bring up up to an A+!


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