Monday, April 8, 2024

Micro Loco Time!

 One reason I do this blog is to catalog items that I have collected over the years. You see, I know I'm not going to be around forever, and I want my daughter to have some record of what things are and why they are important. This, hopefully, will prevent her from just giving away items that may not look significant, but actually have quite a bit of actual or sentimental value. 

Case in point: we went to an estate sale a while back and I picked up the following item...

I knew this tiny train was Z scale. The last picture is it next to a typical HO scale engine. I also was pretty sure that the price they had on it (10 bucks) was way too low. I went ahead and bought it (I liked it even if it turned out that it wasn't worth much) and then did an Ebay search of sold items. What did I find? This...

Now I'm posting this not to brag (ok, maybe a little) but to point out that even estate sale companies can miss the value of certain items. Therefore, if you have any valuable things that you have collected, make sure that you document them in some way! My way? This blog. Plus, it's fun!

So, until next time, keep searching for (and documenting) treasures!


  1. You DID stumble on a great deal - good job, Stu!

    I have a girlfriend who's also retired and goes to estate sales, garage sales and antique malls - almost every day and brings home something each time. Her husband is soooooo annoyed, as they have a small house and no room, so make sure you hide everything REAL WELL, from your wife...we don't want her mad at you!

    1. She actually goes with me, lol! I usually keep purchases to small items so we'll have somewhere to actually live in the house ;-)

  2. Wow, 2 1/4 inches. That IS small! And even without the wooden case, and even if the eBay price is bloated (which it often is), your little engine must be worth at least $75 (or more). Not bad for 10 bucks. Do you have any Z scale track and transformer to run the micro engine?

    1. Ah, you hit on the issue, JB! I have HO and N scale stuff, but no Z. If I add the additional stuff to actually run my tiny engine, I'm afraid my "great deal" won't be so great any more!

  3. Wow, that tiny train actually runs?? It's a miracle!

    1. Yep! A miracle of tiny proportions!


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