Tuesday, April 4, 2017

More Mansion (of the haunted variety)

I've already shared a few posts on some of my Haunted Mansion treasure, but it turns out that I found a bit more! So, in the "spirit" of completeness, here are three more spooky items from Disney's premier attraction!

 First, we have a Haunted Mansion trading pin. I got this in about 2009 and wear it every day on my lanyard that holds my work i.d. Sometimes people confuse the pictures...

I picked these cards up online a couple of years ago. The only part that actually "glows in the dark" is the Haunted Mansion logo. The glow stuff is rough to the touch, which makes these cards a little weird to play with. They're kind of like sandpaper...

Still, the cards feature some faces that fans of the mansion might recognize, which is nice. There are two Madam Leota jokers with text from her spell. All in all, they're kind of cool...

Finally, we have a key chain that I got at the park in about 2001. It's very heavy and large (about 4 1/2 inches long) and usually hangs on my fireplace mantle. I'm sure that it actually opens the mansion, but I've never actually tried it...

So there you go! I think that wraps it up for my collection so far (except for a couple of tee shirts). I'm sure I will "accidently" get more later. That's the way mansion stuff happens...it just "appears."

Until next time, keep searching for treasure!

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