Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tricky Tin Toy Tanker

Usually when I drag something out of the ol' attic to show you guys, I know at least enough about it to write a couple of good paragraphs. This week...not so much. You see, last weekend the wife and I took in a couple of sales and I picked this little beauty up:

Yep, it's a tin toy tanker truck (with box) that was made in China. I didn't pay much for it, so I was willing to take a bit of a chance. Also, I like the graphics and the style. For some reason, it just seems like a "happy" truck to me. I don't exactly know what that means, but I'm sticking with it.

Anyway, here is what I was able to find out. One site said this is a 1960's toy, but I'm leaning toward 1970's (mainly because of the box graphics and the fact that most 1960's tin was Japanese, not Chinese.) I don't think this is a later reproduction piece because those are usually covered with "Collectible, not for children" warnings on them. Also, there is no bar code on the box.

Also, there were apparently two versions of this truck. The friction drive one (that I have) and a battery powered one. I like that they put a popping motor sound into the friction drive, by the way!

The detailing on the toy is actually pretty good. It's about 14 inches long, which is a good size. Notice that they have the chain hanging from the back to ground the truck!

All in all, I don't really care much about where it came from. It's just one of those simple toys that makes you smile.

Until next time, keep searching for treasure!

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