Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Come On Get...Confused?

 This week's post started simply enough. I was going to compliment my Monkeemobile posts with one about another famous TV vehicle, the Partridge Family bus! So, I went and got the Johnny Lightning bus, took pictures and sat down to write. It was at this point that I made the fateful decision to see if the markings on the toy bus matched the markings on the original (they don't). It was while down this rabbit hole that I discovered what happened to the original bus...or not...

First, here are the pictures of my bus...

This series of "Hollywood on Wheels" cars was released in 1989. The only ones I bought were the Monkeemobile and the Partridge Family Bus. I guess because I actually watched both shows.

Upon taking this picture of the roof, I started wondering about that paint job...

The back of the card. Just for completeness.

Here are a couple "screen grab" pictures that I found on the ol' interwebs. As you can see, the paint details are not real close. 

And now to the mystery. The official story is that this bus is a 1957 Chevy bought by the show from an Orange County school district for around 500.00. In 1974, upon completion of the show, it was painted white and used in the show Apple's Way. When that show failed after one season, it was sold to Lucy's Tacos near USC. There it sat until 1987, when it had to be moved due to repaving. It was sold to a salvage yard and met a gruesome end. 

But wait! As is so often the case, the "official" story may well not be the real story!

A guy going by the handle of "Streamliner" on the Internet Movie Database pointed out some very interesting details.

He lead by saying that the real Partridge Family bus and the one behind Lucy's Tacos were NOT the same bus. He stated, "For the record, the Partridge Family show bus was a 1955 Chevrolet 6800 with a Superior Coach body. Specifically, an eight window with a 220 inch wheelbase. It was not a 1957 Chevrolet, nor did it have an IHC chassis or Carpenter or other make coach body. The Chevrolet badging and Superior name is easily seen countless times." He goes on to say the show bus was a model that was only made for five months in 1955. Therefore, the Lucy's bus was a lookalike "tribute" bus. The biggest difference being that the Lucy's bus had one too many windows on each side!

By the way, he also pointed out that the bus purchased in the pilot episode was not the actual bus used in the series. It seems that it WAS a 1957 Carpenter body Chevy. It was never seen in the series again, though.

So, what happened to the real show bus? No one knows. It may still be out there. If it is, it should be easy for an expert to spot. More than likely, though, it was scrapped. Things that seem like they would be valuable bits of show-biz history were (and are) typically trashed when a show wrapped. 

Of course, there's always the Johnny Lighning version; eight windows and all! 

Until next time, keep searching for treasure! (and 1955 Chevy busses)


  1. Wow, this "Streamliner" guy really went down the rabbit hole while researching this bus! Sounds like he examined every frame of every episode of The Partridge Family. (I'm glad it was him and not me!) Like you said, the original is probably gone, but at least you have the Johnny Lightning model.

    Thanks, Stu.

    1. Yeah, I think he just might be the leading expert in the world on this subject! I guess everyone is an expert at something. I'm an expert on Fruit Stripe gum. Hey, somebody has to do it!
      It would be weird if it did show up, though...

  2. I just always assumed the Partridge Family bus was still running out there, somewhere. *sigh*

    Thanks for sharing, Stu. Interesting post.

    1. You know, I did too! So many other cars were preserved, why not the bus?
      By the way, in my research I found out that Shirley Jones actually drove it most of the time. I don't know why, but that strikes me as cool...


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