Thursday, February 27, 2025

Very Vintage Clunker!

 Hey guys!

This week I'm going to feature a game that makes Recall look like best best thing since sliced bread! I picked this one up at an estate sale that really didn't have much of anything interesting. It was cheap, and old, so I figured "why not?"

Here it is!

Yep! It's "Spelling and Anagrams!" How's that for raw excitement? You can see how thrilled those kids are on the box, as they say their tag lines in glorious monotone!

The box is small, as I demonstrate here with my hand...

Now they tried to make this turkey exciting by putting thrilling descriptions on the sides! It didn't work.

The people responsible for this version of the game. Apparently the letter tiles are printed on squares of photo matting board.

The top comes off to reveal...

And there we have it! 216 tiles with letters on them! Yay!!!

Although the 1930 at the top of the instructions references the product number, I think it's also the publishing date. All the sources I could find (yes, I did research) say 1930s.

Read the instructions if you want. I couldn't make heads or tales out of them. Mainly because the game seems so mind numbingly dull.

And there you have it! I can honestly say that I'll probably never even attempt to play this game. These go for very cheap anywhere you see them for sale, by the way. 

However, they do have some historic value. You see, they inspired a certain Mr. Butts to come up with Scrabble, which is, in every way, a better game.

So there you have it! Until next time, keep seaching for treasure!


  1. The neatest thing about this game is that it is from 1930, with the 1930s artwork. I get the impression that the company wasn't really interested in developing a game but, [worker] "Hey, Boss! What do we do with all these matting scraps? Throw 'em away?". [Boss] "Throw 'em away?! Nah, there's gotta be something we can do with 'em". And so, a game was born!

    I like how the front of the box says, "A-B-C- etc." The "etc." makes it sound like even the makers of the game were bored with the idea.

    I'm trying my best to make the game "extremely fascinating", like it says in the instructions. The part about taking the other players words sounds like a recipe for shoving all the game tiles off the table and storming off in an angry huff... "Fascinating"! "Educational"! :-p

    Like you said, the instructions start to get really confusing toward the bottom of the page. Too many picky rules! And the second page? Fuggetaboutit!

    Well, I tried. But I think this game would be too frustrating, and ultimately, too boring. Thanks, Stu. At least I got to make fun of it!

    1. I think they should have put "Frustrating!" "Boring!" on the box!
      I'm glad to see the instructions defeated you too. Heck, if JB can't get through them, Stu has NO chance!

  2. LOL. I made it through the instructions and will now have no problem falling asleep for the night.

    Thanks for the laughs, Stu (and JB).

    1. I'm glad to have helped your sleep, Sue!
      Maybe the boring games really do make better posts?
      Probably not.... lol!


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