Thursday, January 30, 2025

A Railroad in the Wilderness

Well, I was having some technical difficulties with Blogger, but it seems to be fixed now, so we'll take a look at this week's subject!

I have a couple of books about a Walt Disney World subject that I knew almost nothing about...the Fort Wilderness train! Now, I've been to WDW many times, but I've never visited the Fort Wilderness camp grounds. Even if I had, these trains have been gone a long time. So why would I buy books about a subject I didn't even know existed? I didn't.

You see, a few years ago Dave (of Daveland Blog) had a drawing for these books. I entered..and won! Here's what he sent me...

We'll get to the second one in a minute.

This book, written by David Leaphart is an in depth (and I mean really deep) look at the short-lived Fort Wilderness Railroad. It is arranged creatively, like a production. Here is the table of contents...

The "scenes" have a "list of players" too. I didn't really understand the point to all of that, but there is some really interesting info in the book, including this map of Marceline Mo. with Walt's places marked on it...

There are also these arial view maps of the WDW railroads...

Now this book has details. LOTS of details. In fact, it probably is the most detailed book I've seen written on any of the WDW railroads. Want to know the track dimensions? No problem!

Want to know how all the fiddly-bits on the engines went together? We got you!

How about building a model of the train? You'll need dimensions for that! Ok, here you go!

And what about the paint and graphics? No problemo!

Now there is actually a lot more stuff in the book, including first person stories and such. In fact, there's so much stuff that all the images just wouldn't fit. So, he gives you the second book, the "Gallery Companion!"

In it (along with a bunch of regular pictures) we find Faux-D images of the train and tracks!

And, in fact, when I was looking to see if this 2010 book was still in print (you can still get it on Amazon), I found that there's a THIRD book that covers signage and graphics! I don't have that one.

So, what's my take on these treasure troves of info? Well, for me, they're a bit...much, but I can see how a total railroad nut would love them! I do like the graphic and paint charts quite a bit. And the stories are nice, if a bit sparce. I do appreciate Dave sending them to my library!

Interestingly, even though these books are labled "Part 1," I don't see any indications that there is a "Part 2" out there. Maybe I just haven't found it yet. Still, for me, these are plenty!

Until next time, keep searching for treasure!


  1. Kinda crazy that you won these books in a drawing from Daveland! I find myself in agreement with you about the books' concept style. Why present it as a program guide that you would get at a theatrical production? To me, it sort of detracts from the main subject; muddies the waters. But oh well.

    The various maps are interesting... maps are always interesting. I have to admit that my eyelids started to droop a bit when looking at the track bed specifications. At least we know what size gravel ("ballast") they used under the tracks!

    I tried to make the 3D images work by crossing my eyes, to overlap the left and right images. I was unsuccessful. I think, a) the images are a little too distorted from not laying perfectly flat. And b) I think the images are intended to be used with a stereopticon device. So they are in reverse order for the cross-your-eyes method to work. (The left image needs to be the right image, and vice versa.)

    I agree again, the info is "a bit... much". I can think of a couple of GDB regulars who would nerd-out on this info! Thanks, Stu.

    1. Very true on the folks over at GDB who would love them...but there are also folks over there that could have written it, lol!


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