Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Spooky Time!

 In the glitzy star studded world of blogging sometimes you accidently blog about something twice (yes, I've done it) and other times you could swear you wrote about something, but you can't find it. Today is the second one (I hope). 

Around this time of year I start to wear my special watch. Which watch? A witch watch? A wrist witch watch? Noooooo...This watch!

Yes, it's my limited edition Haunted Mansion watch! It has the Haunted Mansion font, little skulls for most of the numbers and three ghosts...but not the three that most people associate with the Mansion, which is all the more interesting because it came packaged with this sculpture (I don't have this part, I got the picture off of the interwebs)

As you can see, THESE ghosts are the iconic "Hitchhiking Ghosts" from the attraction's finale. The watch ghosts aren't, though.

The watch ghosts look a lot closer to these guys...

These are the spectral trouble makers from the 1937 short "Lonesome Ghosts!" This happens to be one of my favorite Mickey shorts, by the way, so when I saw the watch pop up on eBay, I just HAD to grab it!

Interestingly enough, Lonesome Ghosts was one of the themes that was seriously considered when the Haunted Mansion was going through it's development stage. It didn't stick (just like quite a few other ideas) but now they at least showed up on a watch. My watch!

By the way, the watch seems to be from the mid 1990s and was limited to 2000 pieces. Here's the back of mine:

I have number 513! I also obviously wear mine. I figure that's what it was made for, so in the fall of every year, mine goes on!

Until next time, keep searching for treasure!


  1. Stu, this is a FUN watch! Do the ghosts glow? If they do, that makes your watch extra special. I like the teeny skulls on the front.

    I think it's great that you aren't just saving this watch for display only. Half of the fun is wearing it and sharing it with others, to enjoy.

    You have another 10 days or so to wear it - enjoy!


    1. They do! I forgot to mention that!


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